Minister Sibusiso “S’bu” Ndebele has declared all-outwar on motorists, especially those driving buses and trucks. Just this pastweekend over 21 000 vehicles werestopped and checked by the policecountrywide, according to the Transport Department.

Over recent weeks a series of skin-crawling accidents havehappened, taking the lives of over 75people, including 15 school childrenwho died after a Knysna bus crash. Aspart of the official reaction, Gauteng has been instructed to issue around 100 000 traffic fines per month. Severaljoint operations involving police and metro cops have also been set up in theprovince, as well as the rest of the country.

Results show that since October last year, over 5 million fines have been issued, 46 800 vehicles impounded and approximately18 000 drunk drivers arrested. Expectmore and more road blocks all over the place from now on, including on busyfreeways like the M1, N3 and N1.


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